Mosman LawnTennis Club May – June 2018 newsletter
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We have the following events coming up so please make a note in your diaries. Specific details will be sent out in separate emails so please check your inbox, especially for the July 7th Round Robin, the details of which are being sorted at the this weeks committee meeting.
- July 7th (provisional) Round Robin (in lieu of one cancelled earlier)
- October Quiz night 2018
- December Christmas party
Furthermore, the Club would also like to thank members who have contributed various electric goods and articles to the club.
So, if members are ‘ de-cluttering’ and have some of those esoteric beverages that seemed like a good idea at the time but have rested in the cupboard ever since or just items (e.g. utensils, tools, kitchen appliances etc.) that they are planning to dispose of but which are still, we politely emphasise, in good working order and would be of benefit to the Club please let any Committee member know and if appropriate we’ll try to find a place for them. |