May – June 2018 Newsletter

Mosman LawnTennis Club    May – June 2018 newsletter

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In this month’s edition ….

  • David Streven’s Farewell
  • Visit from Felicity Wilson MP
  • 15th Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea
  • Club Championships
  • Badge 2018
  • New Members
  • Upcoming Events
David Strevens’ Farewell
Clockwise from Top L – 1. David (L) with Men’s Double Winners Tony Nix (C) and John Scollin (L), 2. John receives  another award, 3. David with Nell Cranfield, 4. David with Gwen le Reun.
Sunday 13th May saw some 40 or so members congregate at the Club to wish a fond farewell to Club stalwart David Strevens. David was a member of the Club for over 20 years and including a stint as President in 1990’s. A permanent fixture receiving on the backhand, he was also the last person to captain a Badge winning team, guiding our 2.5 team to a 6-2 win over Royal Sydney in 2015. All of us wish David well as he moves north to the Sunshine Coast and look forward to seeing him back at the Club when he visits Sydney. The highlight of the evening was Kevin Alker’s ‘Ode to David’ – click on link to view Kevin Alkers Ode to David
Visit from Felicity Wilson MP
Top – Members turn out for Felicity, Below – L. Felicity enjoys afternoon tea, R. with tireless Committee members, Ian Taylor & Pam Somerville
Later in May, we were graced by the presence of local NSW State MP, Felicity Wilson, who came to the club to formally award our recent Office of Sport Local Sport grant (see below). Felicity joined us for a tour of the Club and generously gave 90 minutes of her to get to know us better. With so many organisations and clubs vying for government grants, it is important for us to keep in contact with the local and state governments and to give a good account of ourselves, so thanks very much to those members who gave up their time and made the effort to attend.

And as for the grant itself, we are pleased to announce that the Club has been awarded Office of Sport Local Sport Grant of $15,000 to go towards refurbishment of the changing rooms and toilets. The grant will cover the lion’s share of the cost, with the Club making up the balance. Firm quotes are currently being sought from the respective suppliers. Many thanks to Ian Taylor for the work he has put in to secure the funding.

15th Annual Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea
Top – A packed clubhouse with Hannah Langman from the Cancer Council and Mosman Mayor, Carolyn Corrigan (2nd R) Below L – Morning Tea Tsarina – Di Shirling
Earlier in May, organised by Di Shirling, the Club held its 15th annual Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea. A record amount in excess of $2500 was raised by the 25 attendees and a host of others unable to attend but who made substantial donations. The event was attend by local Mayor Caroline Corrigan and Hannah Langman of the Cancer Council.


Club Championships
Despite recent bad weather the Club Championships are proceeding on schedule with over half the matches now completed. Full details and results to date can be found on the website –
Badge 2018
After a 8-0 drubbing of Western Suburbs followed by a 6-2 win at Strathfield last weekend our Mosman 2 team sits in third on the 2.5 table, with Mosman 1 5th in 2.3. Our Mixed Doubles team currently sits 4th in their league.
New Members
Please join us in welcoming new members Gustav Brusewitz and Ellen Botha (featured left with their delightful children), Karen McKenzie, and returning member, Merle Pollock . Do take the time to introduce yourself to them when you cross paths on the courts.
Upcoming Events
We have the following events coming up so please make a note in your diaries. Specific details will be sent out in separate emails so please check your inbox, especially for the July 7th Round Robin, the details of which are being sorted at the this weeks committee meeting.

  1. July 7th (provisional)              Round Robin (in lieu of one cancelled earlier)
  2. October                                  Quiz night 2018
  3. December                              Christmas party
Further Donations
Furthermore, the Club would also like to thank members who have contributed various electric goods and articles to the club.
So, if  members are ‘ de-cluttering’ and have some of those esoteric beverages that seemed like a good idea at the time but have rested in the cupboard ever since or just items (e.g. utensils, tools, kitchen appliances etc.) that they are planning to dispose of but which are still, we politely emphasise, in good working order and would be of benefit to the Club please let any Committee member know and if appropriate we’ll try to find a place for them.
MLTC Main Sponsors