Nov – December 2017 Newsletter

Mosman Lawn Tennis Club November – December 2017 Newsletter
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In this month’s edition ….

  • Christmas Party
  • 2018 Subscriptions
  • Badge 2018
  • Court Schedule
  • Upcoming Events
Christmas Party 2017
Over 40 members and guests attended a very enjoyable Christmas Party on Sat 2nd Dec. See below for a selection of photos to get a flavour of the occasion. Or click on this link to get access to the YouTube video created by Olga Nebot.

Our special thanks go to the Social Sub Committee of Pam Somerville, Louis Miller, and Marianne Shaw for organising and delivering the festivities. And the committee acknowledges the help from Midori Matsuoka in preparing the food, Stephen Brown, Ian Taylor, and David McCallum for staffing the bar (and Ian for running repairs on the power supply), and Katrina McNamara, Peter Shaw, and Nell Cranfield for helping clear up

NB – The party focussed on the social occasion, so the Club Awards were held over. We are looking to hold a separate ceremony in February after the holidays.

Clockwise from top left – Our working social committee team put the final touches to the evening’s refreshments, President, Luke Keller, addresses the throng, Ed and David M pose only to be outdone by  more engaging and photogenic Nell Cranfield (with husband, John).
Clockwise from top left. Treasurer and bar tender, Stephen Brown, dispenses his usual Christmas cheer, our volunteers under Pam Somerville prep the evening’s menu, Xi Jiang (R) and guest Brian, photographer for the evening, Olga Nebot and Midori Matsuoka.
2018 Subscriptions
In case you missed the emails could we remind you all that the 2018 subscriptions are due.
Please find below the schedule of Subscriptions for 2018. If you intend to play in the Autumn Badge Competition, please pay the higher fee with the $25 Badge entry added. Please transfer the funds by the end of this month, much appreciated.
FULL                $545      $570
STUDENT        $295      $320
JUNIOR            $295      $320
HOUSE             $50
Payment by 31st December 2017 – Please
Bank details: BSB 032-097 – A/C 640384
Badge 2018
The next Autumn Badge Tournament will start on Autumn Badge starts Thursday 26th / Saturday 28th April. Those interested will all have received the details from Sydney Badge sent via MLTC. But in case you didn’t open the email, please and we’ll get it to you.

•          Prize money for Premier Division has increased to $3000 (winner) and $1500 (runner up)
•          Prize money for all other divisions has increased to $600 (winner)
•          Mixed competition on a Saturday has been introduced
•          Changes have also been made to Spring Badge with the inclusion of prize money.
Deadline for entries closes: Thursday 29th March.

The Fact Sheet and updated rules can be downloaded from the Sydney Tennis League website by clicking on the link

Court Schedule
With immediate effect, there will be a minor change in the synthetic court (1&2) allocation time for members. These will be available from 1pm on Saturdays and from 12 noon on Sundays
Upcoming Events
We have the following events coming up so please make a note in your diaries. Specific details will be sent out in separate emails so please check your inbox.

  1. Late Jan/e. Feb    Grass Courts re-open
  2. February TBA       2017 Club Championships Awards
  3. June                     Queens Birthday Round Robin
  4. Sept/October        Quiz night 2018
  5. December             Christmas party
Christmas Greetings from Mike Prior
To all,

Wishing you a Merry Xmas, Happy New Year and good health for 2018.

Cheers Michael.

Ps: Hope to be down in 2018

Further Donations
Furthermore, the Club would also like to thank members who have contributed various electric goods and articles to the club of late (including some exotic liquors for the bar’s cocktail collection.)

So, if  members are ‘ de-cluttering’ and have some of those esoteric beverages that seemed like a good idea at the time but have rested in the cupboard ever since or just items (e.g. utensils, tools, kitchen appliances etc.) that they are planning to dispose of but which are still, we politely emphasise, in good working order and would be of benefit to the Club please let any Committee member know and if appropriate we’ll try to find a place for them.

MLTC Main Sponsors